Easier Said Than Done. – But Still Worth Saying.

“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.” ~ Henry Ford Ah yes. Indeed. ‘Tis so. I won’t pretend I can tell you how. How often spans the better part of a lifetime and usually involves most things and their opposite, for example: listen to yourself – listen…

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TED: Mind V. Matter

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work. In this TED talk, Shawn Achor, CEO of Good Think Inc., explains why positive psychology matters: not the world – but the way you see the world, is the biggest determining factor of how you experience it. I’m going to repeat that, because it is a paradigm shift…

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On Wishing.

“Wishes are recollections coming from the future.” – Rainer Maria Rilke My girlfriend sent that quote to me yesterday. She said she thought I would like it. She was right. It makes me smile. I’m a ‘what if…’ kinda human. I like to play that game. And I especially like to play it with thoughts…

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Glass makes a good point – in fact he makes a lot of them. Here they are, taken apart and put back together. Number one: our dissatisfaction is recognition of the gap between our taste and the fruits of our labor; between our potential, and what we are currently actualizing. It is not, as we are…

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The Kind of Negative Thinking I Like

  ‘Assume I have failed to achieve my goal – what’s the most likely reason why that would have happened?’ I was perusing my husband’s MBA assignment the other day and came across this question. – Which I loved. Now if you know me, and the work that I do, you might find that strange:…

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Doing The Right Thing

What is the right thing to do? We want to do the right thing. And I’m not necessarily talking about the ethical or moral thing. We can be a little more gritty, a little more earthly – a little more personal than that. When I say we want to do the right thing, I mean:…

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“Nothing on Earth can resist an absolutely non-resistant person.” It’s true. Think about air. Think about water. Think about being like that. Now by ‘that’ I don’t mean passive, or complacent, or inactive; not necessarily anyway. This isn’t a blanket statement to, in the face of injustice for example, just stand by and watch. This…

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Failure – or Success?

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” (Samuel Beckett) Beautiful, truthful and cynical. Perfectly Beckett. The other side of this enlightened coin reads: “Life is a successive unfolding of success from failure.” Think about it. Always before you can do something, there is a period of time in which you…

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Q: What is a Manifesting Consultant?

This is Part Two of, ‘What the #$@%, Cathy, do you do?’. (See ‘The Consultancy Practice’ Category on the side bar to read the other parts in the series.) Today’s question: What exactly is a ‘manifesting consultant’? (Quite possibly a job title I’ve made up.) A consultant is a professional who provides professional or expert…

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